Practical Sessions


During the workshop, 4 practical sessions are planned, two on Monday and two on Tuesday.

For each day, the two sessions are related. One will focus on the construction and the analysis of filaments via the Heligeom web server.
The other session will take place at the visualisation platform of the IBPC to visualize the structure of the filaments in an immersive way.
The session on the visualisation platform will focus on the examples used in the construction session.

For sanitary measures, the on-site participants will be split into *two groups* and each group will be able to participate in both practical session of the day.

Note for remote participants: You will be able to participate in the sessions about the construction but not the ones using the visualisation platform.

Practical Session 1 & 2 : from interface to assembly

All the needed files can be download here: Day1_files.
The webserver adress is

Practical Sessions 3 & 4 : interface comparison, families of oligomeric forms

All the needed files can be download here: Day2_files.
The webserver adress is